Template Hotspot Mikrotik Full VIP + Register + Expired mode + Mode Boostrap Responsive Time.
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<!–Chat Live–>
window.intergramId = “CHAT ID TELEGRAM ANDA DISINI“;
window.intergramCustomizations = {
titleClosed: ‘Chat!’,
titleOpen: ‘Mas Fajar’,
introMessage: ‘Selamat datang di Rumah@Wifi.id, kirim pesan ke kami jika membutuhkan koneksi’,
autoResponse: ‘Pesan anda telah terkirim, tunggu beberapa saat sampai Admin merespon’,
autoNoResponse: ‘Pesan anda telah di terima, mohon bersabar ‘ +
‘Maaf Admin belum merespon, Silahkan HUB no : Telp/WA/Telegram : 083844559488’,
mainColor: “#248f24”, // Can be any css supported color ‘red’, ‘rgb(255,87,34)’, etc
alwaysUseFloatingButton: true // Use the mobile floating button also on large screens
– Bug Fixed link
– Link Via Mirror Creator ( Banyak Mirror link )
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